Friday 25 September 2015

Work Order Status Flow

The Work Order Cycle has the following main statuses:

WAPPR: Work Order Waiting for Approval. WOs are created in this status (Quick Reporting WOs are created in INPRG status).

APPR: Work Order Approved. Materials are reserved at this status.

WMATL: Work Order Waiting for Materials. After approval, if there is a PO for materials required to execute the WO which has not been received yet, the WO will remain in this status.

INPRG: Work Order In progress. Indicates that WO is being executed (Actual Start Date gets auto-populated).

COMP: Work Order Completed. Indicates that WO execution is done (Actual Finish Date gets auto-populated).

CLOSE: Work Order Closed. All reviews are done and WO is electronically closed.

You can directly go from WAPPR to CLOSE, bypassing all intermediate statuses. Same logic holds good for INPRG and COMP.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team

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