Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Purchasing non stock materials

If you approve a Work Order which has direct issue material lines on it, the Work Order status changes to WMATL. When you run the reorder process, MAXIMO creates the PR for the item mentioned in WO. This process populates PR and PR Line number against WO material line as read-only information. If you run the reorder process once again, MAXIMO does not pick up this WO lines again. If you cancel the PR or delete the  material line from PR, MAXIMO removes the PR number & PR Line reference number from the WO, thus making the WO material line again to be picked up for reordering.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Lead Time Usage in Reorder Calculation

When an Item is requested on a storeroom a storeroom reservation (SR) is done. All the reservations are aggregated and checked against the current stock before reordering. The Direct Issue request (VR) are directly requested to the Vendor without any aggregation.  During Reorder Process Lead time is used in calculation.

Important Parameters Used:
Lead Time (Inventory application)
Promised Lead Time (Item Vendor Tab in Item Master or in Inventory application)
Additional Lead Time (Re-Order Processes: Both the Action Items in Inventory application)

            The following is a diagrammatic representation of how the Lead Times are used:

During the reorder action (in both stock replenishment and Direct Issue) one can give the additional Lead Time which is added to the Lead time (inventory) or Promised Lead Time (Vendor Item) to calculate the time fence (or the time in the distant future to look ahead for any demand).

As shown in the diagram, the reservations on store (SR1 and SR2) will be used in the reorder calculation as they are within the time region determined by the Lead Time and the Additional Lead Time. Reservation(s) falling beyond this time region are not considered.

Similarly Direct Issue requests VR1, VR2 and VR3 are re-ordered and VR4 is not.

Important Notes for Stock Reorder:
When Items are reordered the ‘Required Date’ is the earliest date of all the required dates. In the example above for storeroom if:
Current Balance = 10
SR1: Qty = 5 and Date = +5
SR2: Qty = 8 and Date = +10
The Purchase Request (for stock) will be created based on the required date of SR1 alone (+5) even if SR1 can be satisfied from current stock.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team

Friday, 4 March 2016

Selection of Job Plan on PM work orders with route associated

If you generate Work Orders from a PM with route associated, the Work Order representing route stop will consider the Job Plan from Route Definition (Route Stop). If there is no Job Plan associated with Route Stop, the Work Order will have the Job Plan from PM definition.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team

Monday, 22 February 2016

Work Order - Putting it to Actuals

There are separate applications in maximo to report actuals against a work order.
1. Quick Reporting [generally used by technician/supervisor or equivalent roles to report Labor, Material or Tool usage]
2. Labor Reporting [generally used by supervisor or equivalent roles to report Labor (only)]

This facilitates making minimal information visible to them by hiding planning and scheduling information, yet be able to put actuals entries.

Alternatively, this can also be done in Work Order Tracking application as well.
One can 
Use “Copy Planned Labor” button to copy labor.Use “Select Reserved Items” button to copy materialsUse “Select Planned Tools” button to copy tools.
This copies the plans (Task and Child WO) mentioned in the planned tab to Actual tab, after which the quantity, work start/finish time details can be supplied.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Automatic Lead-time Updation

There is a parameter in the Storeroom application called as
Recent Lead Time Weight in % = X% (in storeroom application)

This is used to update the Lead-time in Inventory application.
The Lead-time formula is:
New lead-time = old lead-time*(1-X%)  + Receipt Time*X%
Where receipt time is the difference in (receipt) Actual Date and Ordered Date. If actual date is earlier to order date the lead-time is not calculated.

Additional Note:

There is also an average delivery/lead-time by Vendor-Item in the Vendor Analysis (action item in inventory application). This calculation is a simple average of all the delivery/lead-times for that Item by that Vendor.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team

Monday, 4 January 2016

Receiving against a Purchase Order

When you have received all the ordered against an item on PO, the receipts are completed, and the receipt completed checkbox get checked. If you want to short-close a PO, then you can use “Complete Receipts” action item available in PO application. This action item will check receipt completed checkbox and will not allow further receipts against the PO.
However, if there is a successive return transaction, receipt completed checkbox gets unchecked and the PO again opens up for further receipt.

Courtesy: An old compilation from Infy Team